Gaelscoil il-chreidmheachMulti-Denominational Gaelscoil
Gaelscoil il-chreidmheachMulti-Denominational Gaelscoil
r-phost: runai@gaelscoilanbhradainfeasa.com
Fón: 041 9848667
Email: runai@gaelscoilanbhradainfeasa.com
Phone: 041 9848667
An Lá Scoile
Osclaíonn an scoil ag 8.50 a.m. gach maidin aguc críochnaíonn an lá scoile ag 2.30 in.
Críochnaíonn lá na Naíonán ag 1.30 in. de ghnáth, ach críochnóidh na naíonáin níos luaithe ar
feadh coicíse i mí Meán Fómhair chun cabhrú leo socrú isteach.
Cúrsaí lóin
Bíonn lón beag ag na páistí ag 10.00 am. agus bíonn lón mór acu ag 12.15in. Tá polasaí lón
Folláin againn sa scoil. Molaimid torthaí a thabhairt do na páistí don lón beag agus ceapairí /
yogurt etc. don lón mór. Ní cheadaítear do chriospaí, deochanna carbóinithe nó guma
coganta sa scoil. Tá sé tábhachtach go mbeadh do pháiste in ann deighleáil leis an mbia gan
chabhair an mhúinteora, (m.sh. gan oráistí a thabhairt muna bhfuil an páiste in ann an craiceann a
bhaint etc.). Cuimhnigh go mbeidh grúpa mór páiste sa rang agus go mbeidh sé do-dhéanta don
mhúinteoir buidéil, oráistí agus mar sin a oscailt dóibh go léir. Ar bhonn sábháilteachta, níl cead
buidéil ghloine a thabhairt ar scoil.
Tabharfaidh do pháiste a c(h)uid bruscar abhaile i gconaí. Beidh a fhios agat i gconaí cén lón a
d’ith do pháiste.
Éide Scoile
Caitheann na páistí an culaith reatha scoile le t-léine nó poló bán gach lá. Tá an culaith reatha
ar fáil ó Pat O’Farrell’s (Sord).
Tá sé tábhachtach go mbeidh do pháiste in ann a b(h)róga agus a c(h)óta a bhaint agus a chur air/uirthi faoin am go dtiocfaidh sé/sí ar scoil i Meán Fómhair mar go bhfuil sé do-dhéanta don mhúinteoir iallacha agus cnaipí a cheangailt don rang go léir. (Tá bróga le velcro i bhfad níos fusa don pháiste.) Bíodh lipeid le hainm do pháiste ar an ngeansaí, cóta, hata, scaif etc.
Ar maidin
Tá ganntanas spásanna pairceála againn. Mar sin, iarraimid ort do pháiste a fhágáil ag an scoil
agus tiomáint ar aghaidh. Bíonn múinteoir agus cúntóirí riachtanais speisialta sa chlós gach
maidin óna 8.35am.
Bailiú do pháiste
Bá chóir go mbeadh na socruithe atá déanta agaibh maidir le bailiú an pháiste ar eolas ag an
múinteoir i gcónaí, go mór-mhór más socrú as an ghnáth é.
Is mór an chabhair dúinn é, má deirtear linn faoi dheacracht ar bith ag do pháiste, más ar scoil nó
sa bhaile a bhíonn siad. Tá sé seo tábhachtach ionas gur féidir linn tacú le do pháiste mar ba
Déanaigí deimhin de freisin go nglantar amach mála scoile an linbh go
rialta – uaireanta bíonn lón leath-ite agus nithe eile fágtha ann.
Is Gaelscoil í seo ina labhraítear Gaeilge i gconaí. Bímid ag súil go ndéanfaidh tuismitheoirí
iarracht chun an ‘cúpla focal’ atá agaibh a labhairt linn. Cabhraíonn sé seo chun atmasféar
dearfach i leith na teanga a chruthú sa scoil. Más amhlaidh go bhfuil tú ag iarraidh comhrá
iomlán i mBéarla a bheith agat le múinteoir iarraimid ort coinne a dhéanamh leis an múinteoir trí
ghlaoch ar an oifig @ 0419848667..
Poncúlacht agus Asláithreachtaí
Tá sé tábhachtach go mbeadh na páistí ar scoil in am gach maidin mar cuirtear isteach ar aire an
ranga má thagann daoine déanach.
Nuair a bhíonn do pháiste as láthair caithfear nóta mínithe a lionadh isteach ar an aip. Tá sé seo ag teastáil de réir an Acht Oideachais (Leas).
Tinnis / Timpistí
Is é polasaí na scoile ná páiste atá tinn a chur abhaile. Dá dtarlódh droch-thimpiste dod’ pháiste
chuirfí seo in iúl daoibh láithreach. Mura n-éiríonn linn dul i dteagmháil libh, tabharfaidh an
príomhoide nó múinteoir eile go dtí an dochtúir/ospidéal í/é. Beidh ar thuismitheoirí costaisí
leighis a íoc.
The School Day
School begins at 8.50 a.m. every morning and ends at 2.30 p.m. each evening. The infant day
finishes however at 1.30p.m. In order to help the children settle in and become accustomed to a
longer day, the new junior infants finish earlier for the first two weeks or so in September.
We have a short lunch break at 10.00a.m. and the main lunch-break at 12.15 p.m. We have a
healthy lunch policy in the school. We strongly recommend that children are given some fruit /
vegetables for the first break and sandwiches and /or yoghurt for the next break. We do not allow
crisps, carbonated drinks, chewing gum or sweets in school.
It is important that your child can manage his / her lunch without the teacher’s help (i.e. able to
peel an orange if this is being given for lunch). Don’t forget that s/he is one of a group of thirty
pupils and it would be impossible for the teacher to open bottles, fruit etc. for all.
On safety grounds, glass bottles should not be brought to school.
School Uniform
The children wear the school track suit and white polo shirt. The tracksuit can be
purchased in Pat O’Farrell Schoolwear Swords. It is important that younger children can manage the opening and closing of coats and shoes by
the time they come to school as it is impossible for the teacher to tie laces etc. for the class.
Shoes with velcro straps are ideal. Please label all coats jumpers hats scarves with your child’s
Parking spaces are extremely scarce! Please drop your child and drive on. There are special
needs assistants and a teacher in the yard each day from 8.35am.
Collection from School
The class teacher should always be made aware of any arrangements you have made for the
collection of your child from school, especially if this is a change of routine.
Good communication between school and home is critical to your child’s education. We will let
you know of any concerns we have so we can address these together. Likewise, it is very
important that you let us know if your child is having difficulties at home. The app is our main method of communication. Please ensure you download the app and check it very regularly.
This is a Gaelscoil and we expect parents to respect the ethos of the school. We expect parents to
try to use any few words they have. Also, if you need to have a conversation with the teacher in
English we ask you to make an appointment. This preserves the language of the school.
Absences and Punctuality
It is important to be punctual for school at all times as children who arrive late disrupt the
attentive atmosphere already established.
If your child is ever absent, please fill in the form on the app explaining the reason for the absence to the
teacher when he/she returns to school. This is a legal requirement under the Educational Welfare
Illness and Accidents
It is our policy to send any child who is unwell home as soon as possible. Should your child have
any kind of serious accident in school, you will be informed immediately. If it is necessary to
take your child to the doctor/hospital, and if we are unable to contact you, the principal or
another teacher will do so. Parents will be responsible for any medical bills.
Polasaithe Scoile
Cod Iompair
MSU Whole School Evaluation
OCG RSE Relationships Policy
Polasai Daileadh Leighis
Polasai do Bhreithlaethanta
Polasai Fon
Polasai Frithbhulaiochta
Polasai Gaeilge
Polasai Iontrala GSANBF2020
Polasai leith Gearain
Polasai Obair Bhaile
Socraithe clainne
2024 Ráiteas um Chumhdach Leanaí & Measúnaithe Riosca
School Policies
Behaviour Policy
MSU Whole School Evaluation
OCG RSE Relationships Policy
Medicine Policy
Birthday Policy
Mobile Phone Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Irish Language Policy
Enrolment Policy GSANBF2020
Complaints Policy
Homework Policy
Family Arrangements
2024 Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment
Íoslódáil an curaclam teanga nua ANSEO
Tá nascanna anseo don Churaclaim Matamaitice, Gaeilge agus Béarla. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ó www.ncca.ie
Gliogáil ar nasc thíos chun PDF a íoslódáil nó chun PDF a léamh. I bhformáid PDF atá na naisc. Mura bhfuil Adobe Reader agat is féidir gliogáil anseo chun é a íoslódáil.
I Mí Dheireadh Fómhair na bliana 2006 bhí an brionglóid ceánna ag cúpla duine a raibh cónaí orthu timpeall ar cheantar na hInse agus ar Dhroichead Átha. Bhuail siad lena chéile trí thimpiste agus gan amhras phléigh siad an bhrionglóid seo. Bheartaigh siad ar chruinniú poiblí a eagrú. Níor tháinig ach glaic daoine chuig an chruinniú. Ach, níor chuir an easpa suime stop leis an gcoiste áfach. Leanadar ar aghaidh ag treabhadh goirt na Roinne Oideachais, Gaelscoileanna agus an Fhorais patrúnachta. Faoi Mí Márta na bliana 2007 bhí os cionn 50 n-ainm ar liosta le tosú sa scoil i Mí Meán Fómhair. Bhí suíomh aimsithe, iarratas ar chead pleanála curtha isteach agus aitheantas sealadach faighte ón Roinn Oideachais chun Gaelscoil a oscailt.
Ceapadh Siobhán Ní Dhúill mar phríomhoide in Mí Iúil 2007 agus go gairid ina dhiaidh sin ceapadh beirt mhúinteoir – Vanessa Ní Phreastúin agus Máire Treasa Ní Dhúbháin. D’éirigh leis an scoil cead pleanála a fháil ach faraoir cuireadh athchomharc isteach chuig an Bord Pleanála ina choinne. Tháinig an Cumann Lúthchleas Gaeil i gcabhair agus thug siad seomraí feistis ar iasacht.
Rinne an Bord Pleanála an cinneadh dearfach i leith na scoile Mí Márta 2008. I Mí Meán Fómhair 2017 a osclaíodh fhoirgneamh buan nua – ár mbuíochas leis na daoine sin a raibh an bhrionglóid céanna acu!
In October 2006 a few people living around the Laytown area and Drogheda had the same dream. They met each other accidentally and undoubtedly discussed this dream. They decided to organize a public meeting. Only a few people attended the meeting. However, the lack of interest did not stop the committee. They continued to plough the fields of the Department of Education, Gaelscoileanna and the an Foras Pátrúnachta. By March 2007 there were over 50 names on the list to commence school in September.
Siobhán Ní Dhúill was appointed as principal in July 2007 and shortly afterwards two teachers were appointed - Vanessa Ní Phreastúin and Máire Treasa Ní Dhúbháin. . The school was successful in obtaining planning permission but an appeal was lodged against An Bord Pleanála. The GAA came to our aid and we used their dressing rooms as classrooms for a year.
An Bord Pleanála made the positive decision on the school in March 2008. In September 2017 a new permanent building was opened - thanks to those who had that same dream!
Is Gaelscoil il-chreidmheach í ina cothaítear meas agus tuiscint ar reiligiúin de gach cineál.
Pearsantacht iomlán an pháiste
Tá sé mar aidhm againn pearsantacht iomlán an pháiste a fhorbairt agus a threorú i dtreo an chirt agus na tuisceana i dtimpeallacht foghlamtha dearfach, taitneamhach oscailte. Glactar go hómósach leis an bpáiste mar atá sé; oiltear, múintear agus treoraítear é.
Cuirtear leas an pháiste aonair chun tosaigh i gcónaí agus is i gcuideachta a thuismitheoirí a thugaimid faoina oiliúint agus faoina oideachas. Dírítear ar na buanna atá ag an bpáiste a fhorbairt chomh fada agus is féidir.
Leagtar béim ar obair thairbheach, leanúnach. Tugtar faoi dhea-scileanna sóisialta, caighdeán ard móráltachta agus réimse leathan de scileanna acadúla, praiticiúla agus caithimh aimsire a mhúineadh dó trí mheán na Gaeilge
Déantar iarracht cumas labhartha agus scríofa na teanga Gaeilge a thabhairt don pháiste go nádúrtha ionas go mbeidh sé ábalta é féin agus gach is spéis leis a chur in iúl go héifeachtach.
Dírítear ar na bunscileanna; éisteacht, labhairt, léamh agus scríobh a thabhairt dó / di sa Bhéarla agus beospéis a mhúscailt agus meabhair a thabhairt dó / di ar bhunstruchtúr na matamaitice. Tá súil againn go n-éireoidh linn suim agus fiosracht a mhúscailt ann san eolas, deis a fhorbartha a thabhairt dó sa chorpoiliúint agus eolaíocht agus spéis agus suim a chothú ann sna healaíona éagsúla. Is de réir curaclaim na bunscoile a dhéantar iarracht na h-aidhmeanna seo a bhaint amach ach tugtar tús áite don Ghaeilge i gcónaí agus de shíor.
Ár dtraidisiúin agus ár gcultúr beo
Ní mar thaise neamhbheo ar chaomhnú, gan cur leis ná baint de, a shaothrófar an cultúr sin ach mar oidhreacht bheo go mbainimid féin tairbhe as agus go seolfaimid ar aghaidh chuig an chéad glúin eile agus rian ár ndearcadh féin air. Tuigfidh páiste atá ag freastal ar an scoil go bhfuil sé ag fás suas in Éirinn seachas in aon áit eile.
Cothófar tírghrá agus mórtas cine ann a thiocfaidh le saol an lae inniu. Blaisfidh sé de shaíocht na Gaeilge, feicfidh sé gur chuid den Athbheochan é féin, a scoil agus a theaghlach. Agus an féinmhuinín sin cothaithe ann beidh ar a chumas aghaidh a thabhairt ar an Eoraip agus teangacha agus scileanna eile a fhoghlaim go saoráideach fonnmhar. De réir mar a fhásann a mheas air féin is ea a mhéadóidh ar a mheas agus ar a thuiscint ar dhaoine agus ar chiníocha eile – iad siúd san áireamh ag a bhfuil cúlra reiligiúnach, cultúrtha agus sóisialta éagsúil ar fad.
Gaelscoil an Bhradáin Feasa is an multi-denominational Gaelscoil and a respect and understanding of all Religions and traditions are promoted.
The complete personality of the child
Our primary aim is to develop and guide the child’s personality towards understanding and a sense of correctness. The child is accepted respectfully as he /she is: trained, taught and guided in a positive, happy, open learning environment, whereby his / her individuality is celebrated, encouraged and nurtured. The individual child’s well-being always takes precedent and school and parents work hand in hand to educate and train the child.
Every effort is made to develop the child’s talents as far as is possible. Emphasis is placed on continuous, worthwhile work. We undertake to teach the child good social skills, a high moral standard, a wide range of academic and practical skills and pastimes. And all of those through the medium of the Irish language.
We endeavour to give the child a natural facility in both spoken and written Gaeilge so that he can effectively express himself and all that interests him. Fundamental skills in English are focussed on: comprehension, oral expression, reading and writing.
We aim to stimulate a lively interest in mathematics and lay a strong foundation for understanding its basic principles. We hope to stimulate in each child an interest in acquiring knowledge, to provide opportunities for development though physical education and sciene and to foster in him an interest in the Arts.
These aims will be met through implementation of the Primary School Curriculum but the Irish language will always be placed first and foremost.
All aspects of Gaelic, Celtic and Irish culture are promoted as an intellectual store for the pupils: music, song, games, literature, history, geography, science, way of life, folklore, and the positive relationship our country had and has with other countries.
The culture as a living heritage
It is not as an indulgent conservation of an extinct entity , without addition or subtraction, that that culture will be cultivated but as a living heritage from which we benefit and which we will pass on to the next generation with our own stamp on it. Children who attend the school will understand that they are growing up in Ireland as apart from in any other country. Love of country and pride of race will be fostered appropriate to our times. He / she will get a taste of many Irish Traditions. Armed with this self-confidence, he / she will be equipped to go forth to learn European and other languages with willing ease. As his / her respect for him / herself grows, so too will his / her respect and understanding of other people and other races, including those who have religious, cultural and social background different to his / her own.
Cruthaíonn an scoil timpeallacht ina bhfuil meas ar chúlra spioradálta an pháiste is cuma cén dearcadh atá ag a c(h)lann. Cuirimid an clár céanna i bhfeidhm le scoileanna ‘Educate Together’.
Ceithre snáith atá sa chlár sin:
Tá sé mar aidhm ag an snáith ‘Córais Creidimh’ eolas chriticiúil, tuiscint agus feasacht ar chórais creidimh agus conas mar a bhaineann siad lenár dtaithí saoil a thabhairt do pháistí.
Tugann an clár ‘Foghlaim le chéile’ eolas faoi na córais creidimh.Ní mhúineann sé go bhfuil an lámh in uachtar ag aon reiligiún amháin.
Tuigimd go bhfuil buntáistí leis an gcur chuige seo, ach nach n-oireann sé do gach clann. Mar shampla, braitheann scoil il-chreidmheach ar thuismitheoirí atá sásta ligint dá bpáistí fiosrú, agus a bheith nochtaithe do mheon reiligiúna eagsúla.Sa chás go mbíonn treoracha dochta reiligiúna á leanúint ag clann, ba cheart dóibh a bheith cinnte go n-oireann an t-éatos seo dóibh sula gcláraíonn siad sa scoil.
Creidimd go bhfuil freagracht ar thuismitheoirí agus ar eagraíochtaí pé reiligiúin is mian leo a mhúineadh dá bpáistí taobh amuigh d’am scoile. Ní fhágtar páiste ar lár riamh mar gheall ar a reiligiún áirithe féin.
Tuigimid, áfach, go mbíonn tuismitheoirí ag iarraidh ranganna reiligíúin foirmeálta dá bpáistí. Mar sin, tugann an bord bainistíochta cead d’ eagraíochtaí dheonacha ranganna a eagrú sa scoil taobh amuigh d’am scoile. De ghnáth, tacaíonn an eaglais chuí leo seo.
The school provides an environment in which the spiritual background of each child is equally respected whatever their family’s viewpoint. We implement the very same ethical curriculum as Educate Together – the Learn together programme.
It has four strands:
One specific strand aims to develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of the teachings of religious and non-theistic belief systems and how these systems relate to our shared human experience. The Learn Together curriculum aims to inform rather than instruct. It teaches children about religions rather than teaching that one is “the right way to think”.
We understand that whilst this approach of treating religious difference in an Irish school context offers many advantages, we appreciate that there are families for whom this model may not be suitable. For instance, a multi-denominational Gaelscoil depends on parents who are happy to allow their children to explore and be exposed to different religious views and who do not regard it as their religious duty to seek to persuade others of their beliefs. In the case of families who observe strict guidelines around their children’s exposure to artwork, games or sports of other faiths, a denominational school of their conscience, or a recognised programme of home education may well be a more appropriate choice.
We believe that specific religious formation is the responsibility of parents and religious organisations outside school. Within the school we aim to ensure that no child has to be set apart as a result of their religion.
We also understand that many parents want their children to receive formal religious instruction. With this in mind, our Board of Management facilitates the organisation of voluntary faith formation classes outside school hours. These classes are usually organised with the assistance of the relevant church authorities.